Eight Key Attitudes Required to Achieve Success

Prabash R Sahoo

ladder to the cloud: success

Each and everyone have great potentiality to achieve success. Success comes to those who attempt and not to those who never attempted whatever the background behind them may be. The story of inborn qualities or inheritance is a pure myth, there’s no factual data behind such story. In other words, in order to achieve great success, you don’t need to possess any special inheritance; rather you need to develop few special attitudes in your inner core. You just need to fuel your internal elements, your inner possibilities those are hidden within you. The big secret behind the great successful people around the world is neither any birth secret nor miracle nor luck, but only one master key, that is, attitude.

After researching on thousands of people and looking around my surroundings, I got some an amazing fact, that is, anyone can achieve success if he/she possesses or develops some sort of positive attitudes towards the life, surroundings and him/her. I’m providing you a comprehensive list that you must follow, if you wish to achieve success in your life, entrepreneurial or some of some other type.

1. Passion

Are you passionate enough about the work you do or want to do? In other words, do you love the adventure and excitement of your work and goal? Answer yourself honestly. If yes, go for the next level. If not, effort your best to sift a work that’s your love, your dream, your passion. You can’t reach the destination without an emotional attachment with it. For financial or some other reasons, you may not sift immediately. In such case, make a step by step plan.

Passion is one of the most empowering and attractive characteristics you can have. It enables you to apply your ability more effectively. It’s the burning desire that communicates commitment, determination and spirit. It puts you in motion and speaks through your actions from your commitment and your belief in what you are doing.

2. Self-motivation

In order to foster your passion, most importantly you need to be motivated, being focused on your dream. Discover what motivates you—what motivate you to take action to change your life. Self-motivation requires enthusiasm, a positive outlook, a positive physiology, and a belief in yourself and your potential. No angel is coming to motivate you towards your bright future, you need to cultivate on your own effort.

When you can motivate yourself toward a goal, your attitude becomes infused with your inner power, enthusiasm and passion. Your outlook on business/career is elevated. What you think about yourself, your abilities, financial gains (or losses) and your assessment of your ability to succeed becomes what you might actively live out. Actions follow thoughts.

Motivate yourself and continually look forward.

3. Innovation

Innovation or creativity is a most to achieve a goal. We all are innovative less or more. Finding a way to overcome a traffic jam toward the office or making a dish better than the regular is the creativity we use in our everyday life. Even a child is innovative while she finds the way to reach at the cupboard. Just we need to charge and recharge our innovation on regular practice. Don’t go in the regular way that the average people go. Always be in practice of searching more and more innovative ideas to do things better. Note down immediately whenever an innovative idea comes in your way. Who know whether you can remember again the innovative idea that lightened in your brain today.

4. Learning

Learning is a regular requirement to reach the top. You must develop an attitude to learn new things daily. Learn from observing situations, from your own experiences, from your own mistakes, from the mistakes of other around you, from who succeeded in life and also by reading.

Your learning should have a purpose, a goal at the center. Learning too much without knowing what you’ll do with them is just wastage of time. Knowledge without usage is mere noises having no practical meaning.

You have to learn to develop positive attitudes, skills and competency to do things in better way. You have to learn to widen your inner and outer possibilities.

5. Daring

Ralph Heath tells – “One of the biggest secrets to success is operating inside your strength zone but outside of your comfort zone”. Success comes to those who dare and never to those who afraid. In order to reach your goal, you definitely should be daring.

If you are going to do a new thing, there might be many fears. The fear of failure is the biggest one. What if I’ll fail? This is the question many people ask. For your kind note, every successful person fails at least once, if not twice. How they learn from and utilize their failures, however, is what matters. In fact, failure is the key to success. Fear for failing is one of the worst negative attitudes. We, therefore, need to learn the ways to overcome the fear toward failure.

Another type of fear is about acceptability. Will people accept me or what other people will thing about me? Such doubt kill many dreams before they blossom. My dear friend, never go after what other think. You are living your own life, not of other.

Another type of fear is about ability. We are unaware that human’s capability has no ending. Step by step development is the law of nature. I’m not making you to dream that you are going to be the next Albert Einstein or Bill Gates. I’m telling you that you can be at a far better position than the present and you’ve definitely the ability. What you have to do is to develop all the positive attitudes I’m taking about and kick out anything negative with you.

6. Flexibility

“The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.” ―Robert Greene.

People with a fixed mindset don’t have any possibility to develop their intelligence and talent. On contrary, people with flexible mindset invest an immense amount of time on a daily basis to develop a growth mindset, acquire new knowledge, learn new skills and change their perception so that it can benefit their lives.

If you are not going to be a new one today, you are not going to achieve something new tomorrow. What you need to do is to modify the route toward their established goal, or even perhaps tweak that established goal, in order to reach it successfully. You must possess flexible mindsets so they can alter a course that seems to be headed toward failure. Look at the life story of all great successful people how they changed as necessity called.

7. Willing to Work Hard

Success never comes out of blue. You most work for it to achieve. There is neither any shortcut formula nor any magic bullet.

If you are not willing to get up and work hard every day, probably seven days a week, then how can you expect success? No successful business is created quickly, easily or without strife.

Work always and establish new idea.

8. Integrity

In order to earn cooperation and goodwill from people around you must be truthful and honest. You must be trusted, and trust must be earned. The best idea in the world will likely fail if an unworthy person is at the helm

Never make promises that you can’t fulfill and never make false statements.


Even though each one of us could have a different definition of success, there are certain things that are universal, which will make you successful if you follow them. And attitude is one among the prominent. Attitude is everything that will lead to you a different world, completely different from your present.

Success is in Your Way. Catch It.

ladder to the cloud: success You may also like to read: Great Success Comes after Many failures  

Eight Key Attitudes Required to Achieve Success
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